What are the top online job boards to use for recruiting candidates?

Using online job boards is part of doing business today. When recruiting, it can be one of, if not the most, cost-effective ways to reach the right audience and attract the best candidates. Developing a standout job posting and identifying the right job boards are key steps to successful recruiting.

Tips for using online job boards effectively

  1. If a job board charges a fee to post, request a free trial. Many sites are willing to offer at least one free trial
  2. If your startup is planning serious growth, try to negotiate a volume discount
  3. Establish a presence on LinkedIn and other social media: This gives you access to millions of professional candidates

The following list will help you identify job boards that are right for your startup.

General job boards for recruiting candidates

  • Bullhorn Reach: Two jobs can be posted for free
  • Canadajobs.com: A nation-wide, general board (free to post and links to other Canadian boards)
  • craigslist: Local classifieds site (free to post)
  • Job Bank (Government of Canada): A nation-wide, general board hosted by federal government (free to post)
  • Indeed:  A very popular general job posting board. Free, with very good reach
  • JobBankCanada.com: A nation-wide, general board, not to be confused with the federal Job Bank listed above (free to post)
  • Jobboom: Popular in Quebec
  • Jooble: Another popular general job posting board.
  • Kijiji: Canadian classifieds site (free to post)
  • Monster Canada: A well-known job board with a high degree of visibility. More costly than smaller, niche sites, so startups are advised to explore more cost-effective options first
  • TweetMyJobs: This board actively pushes your jobs out to social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. It offers options for small companies
  • Workopolis: A major international board with many associated niche boards
  • Trovit: An international job board (free to post)

IT/engineering job boards

  • Brainhunter: A national board with an IT, engineering and professional focus
  • careerbuilder: A national board with a focus on sales, IT and finance (is based out of the United States)
  • Dice: An international board with an IT focus
  • EngineeringCareers.ca: Job site of The Engineering Institute of Canada
  • iitjobs: An international board with an IT focus (free 30-day trial)
  • LabVIEWjobs.com: A free, niche board specializing in automated test, instrumentation and measurement jobs

Finance/marketing job boards

  • Canadian Marketing Association: Specializes in marketing-related jobs (has a free to post)
  • American Marketing Association: Lists marketing jobs in Toronto and Vancouver (has a fee to post)
  • Certified General Accountants of Ontario: Posts jobs to 30,000 Certified General Accountants (CGAs) and CGA students. A cost is involved, but is a good site to use if you specifically need a CGA

Other niche job boards

  • CharityVillage: A national board featuring jobs in the not-for-profit sector
  • ECO Canada: A board focusing on environmental jobs
  • WorkCabin: Also focusing on environmental jobs

Local job boards

Local sector associations, professional associations and business development organizations in your area may run job boards—make sure to check them out.