Adapting your outbound and inbound strategy during COVID-19: Sampler’s advice to getting results

The COVID-19 crisis has caused disruption and uncertainty for nearly every company across Canada.

We asked Sampler, a direct-to-consumer product sampling platform, for insights on how it pivoted its sales and marketing to keep up demand during the COVID-19 pandemic.

MaRS Senior Advisor Tony Cascio spoke with Garret Kowalyshy, VP of Sales and Client Success at Sampler.

What does the new normal look like at Sampler right now?

What trends have you seen from your customer’s perspective?

How has Sampler adjusted both business development and marketing strategies given the COVID-19 situation? 

What are your top business development activities? What advice would you give to ventures on how to scope those opportunities?

What is Sampler’s inbound strategy? How has it changed? 

How has your team reacted to this change? What’s been working for Sampler?

Many ventures are focusing on what they need to do in the moment. They are in survival mode. What advice would you give them?